Gerhard CF Miller Wing

A special wing devoted to the accomplished works of Mr. Miller's art, known as imaginary realism, houses many of the extraordinary works he completed in his lifetime. He excelled in drawing, watercolor and egg tempera. His passing in August, 2003, at 100 years of age, leaves us intensely committed to preserving the public legacy of the Museum.


Permanent Collection

The Miller Art Museum's permanent collection represents the work of exceptional Wisconsin and greater midwestern artists from early 20th century to the present in painting, drawing, printmaking, and photography. These works are exhibited to best highlight them as artistic acheivements and made available to the public through programming, community outreach and private viewings. The permanent collection consists of 1,532 artworks that represent 318 artists.

For more information about artists in the collection, or to request additional images, or to schedule a private viewing of works in the collection, please submit a request to Curator Helen del Guidice at


Addison, Robert William (b. 1924)

Akins, Tamlyn (b. 1954)

Altman, Harold (1924-2003) 

Ambuel, Bruce (1952-2018)

Anderson, Daniel B. (b. 1941)

Anderson, Jack (b. 1933)

Anderson, Wayne (b. 1951))

Apfelbach Meyers, Alice Hotz (1899-1983)

Armato Mildred (1923-2001)

Arneson, Wendell (b. 1946)

Arseth, Sigmund (b. 1936) 

Austin, Bridget (b. 1948)

Austin, Phil (1910-2004)


Bacigalupo, Arnold

Backhaus, Kenn (b. 1951)

Balistreri, John A.

Ballweg, Janet (b. 1961)

Balsley, John (b. 1944)

Bamberger, Thomas (b. 1948)

Bartel, Kristin

Basky, Larry

Bauer, Brandon (b. 1974)

Beaudoin, IsAbel (1921-2009)

Bechtold, Roger (b. 1945)

Becker-Wathall, Bettie (1918-1997)

Becker, David (b. 1937)

Beckett, Caroline

Bedford, Jill

Behncke, Nile Jurgen (1892-1954)

Bentley, Lester (1908-1972)

Berman, Fred (b. 1926)

Bernhardt, Gerald (b. 1920)

Berns, Pam (b. 1947)

Blietz, Craig (b. 1956)

Bloom, William (b. 1935)

Bohrod, Aaron (1907-1992)

Bosman, Mary (b. 1954)

Boynton, Winifred (1887-1974)

Brehmer, Bethia (b. 1942)

Bresnahan, Julia (n.d.-2018)

Briesemeister, Ray (n.d.-1986)

Bronikowski, Kenneth

Brooks, Carol (1898-1997)

Brophy, William R. 

Brown Bag Poets

Brown, Donna (b. 1952)

Brucker, Edmond (1912-1999)

Buchholz, J. William (1909-1973)

Burkert, Robert (b. 1930)

Burton, Fran

Byrd, Gibson (1923-2002)


Cagle, James (1951-2020)

Carlson, Barry Roal

Carpenter, Stephanie

Caster, Paul (b. 1951)

Champeau, Joan (1926-2023)

Chase, Jesse Kalmbach (1879-1969)

Childress, Sharon

Christiansen, W. Joseph

Cizmar, John

Claggett, Blanche (1916-1978)

Clark, Cathy Gene

Claussen, James (b. 1953)

Claxton, Wayne, (1902-1983)

Coaty, Martha (b. 1960)

Colescott, Warrington (1921-2018)

Colt, John N. (1925-1999)

Comstock, Jan

Connors, Michael

Connolly, Dennis

Cook, Joseph

Copoulos-Selle, Stephanie

Cornell, Lorna Bell (n.d.-2018)

Crane, Jean (b. 1933)

Currie, David Garfield

Czebotar, Theodore (1915-1996)

Czechowski, Alicia (b. 1945)


Darch, Shirley (b. 1950)

Das, Ratindra (b. 1941)

Dawe, Richard (1921-1998)

de Arteaga, Bonnie

DeMint, Thomas

de Saint Phalle, Niki, French, (1930-2002)

DeVinny, Douglas

Di Cicco, Gilbert (b. 1943)

Dickinson, Franne

Didier, Les

Dietrich, Margaret Rappe (1912-2000)

Dietrich, Thomas (1912-1998)

Dix, Charles (b. 1939))

Doyle, William (1938-2017)

Driesbach, David (b. 1922)

Duback, Sally (b. 1946)


Eckmair, Frank C.

Ekholm, Judi (b. 1941)

Ekholm, Robert (1926-2010)

Ekman, Malin (Marlene) (1931-2023)

Emmons, Carol (b. 1953)

Englander, Lisa (b. 1954) 

Erdmann, Hank (b. 1954)

Evenson, George (1929-2023)


Fares, Gustavo (b. 1957)

Farrell, Patrick (1940-2016)

Farrell, Peggy Thurston

Faust, Marlene

Fellows, Boyd (1928-2021)

Fenendael, Edward (b. 1943)

Fernekes, Max (1905-1984)

Filemyr, Ann

Finger, Otto R.

Frankenstein, Curt (1920-2006)

Frankenthaler, Helen (1928-2011)

Fraser, Austin (1901-2006)

Friebert, Betsy Ritz (1908-1963)

Friebert, Joseph (1908-2002)

Gavin, Verona E.

Gerber, Glenn

Geudtner, Richard A.

Gilchrist, Lynn (b. 1950)

Gillespie, Oscar J.

Gloeckler, Raymond L.

Godfrey, Winifred

Gresko, Carol (b. 1942)

Groom, Emily (1876-1975)

Grotenrath, Ruth (1912-1988)


Hackenmeier, Karla

Hamilton, Mary

Hampel, Jack R. (1883-1978)

Hancock, John

Hanks, Gary

Hardy, Francis H. (1885-1960)

Hargreaves, Jeffrey

Harrington, Neal

Hartmann, Bonnie Oehlert (b. 1949)

Heberlein, David

Hedrich, Ken (1908-1972)

Hejinian, Lyn

Heuel II, Robert (1919-2009)

Hillebrand, Richard (1892-1989)

Hitchcock, John (b. 1967)

Hodgell, Robert (1922-2000)

Holmes, David V. (1945-2014)

Hotz, Ferdinand (1904-1998)

Hunkel, Cary (b. 1945)

Hunt-Wulkowicz, Susan (b. 1944)

Hustad, Bruce (b. 1944)


Ingwersen, James Jay (b. 1929)


Jablonski, Jan (1955-2008)

Jackel, Bill (b. 1949)

Jacobs, William R.

Jackson, Jayne Reid

Jauquet, William

Johannes, Jeffery (b. 1951))

Johansen, Robert (1923-1991)

Johns, Emmett (b. 1940)

Johnson, Wilbur (1913-1991)

Jones, Win

Jordan, Thomas (b. 1949)

Josephs, Timothy

Judy, Michael



Kimball, Wayne (b. 1943)

Kittleson, Earl

Kolstad, Willard H. (b. 1960)

Krafft, Elton (1914-2001)

Krumpos, Don

Kwint, Kenn (1937-2020)


Lane, Stacia

Langlois, Flora (b. 1928)

Larson, Dara

Lauden, Karla

Lauder, Richard

Leaf, Ruth (b. 1923)

Lee, Doris (1905-1983 )

Leibold, Robert C. (1926-2013)

Lemke, William F.

Lichtner, Schomer (1905-2006)

Lorenz, Richard (1858-1915)

Lott, Linda

Lukes, Roy (1929-2016)

Lutzky, Berel

Lyons, R. Charles (1940-2007)


Maher III J. Thomas (b. 1940)

Martinez, Malena

Martinez, Sandra

Mason, Roy M. (1887-1972)

Mau, Marjorie Theissen (b. 1943)

Mayhew, Mary Ulm

Mayo, Gretchen

McCullin, Hugh Mac (1931-2009)

McGee, Nancy

McNamara, Evelyn (1924-1995)

Mecikalski, Eugene

Meeker, Dean (1920-2002)

Mengert, Carl (1925-2022)

Miles, Ruth (b. 1915)

Miller, Gerhard CF (1903-2003)

Miller, Philip (1898-1977)

Miotke, Anne (1943-2021)

Monske, Steven Jay (b. 1950))

Mothes, Lee (b. 1947)

Mueller, Richard (1940-2010)

Mueller, William

Murphy, Pamela (b. 1960)

Muzik, Jack (1927-2000)

Myrah, Dagny Quisling


Nedobeck, Don (b. 1935)

Nelson, Viola

Newcomb, Nancy (b. 1937)

Nitsch Jr., Michael (b. 1950)


Oldenberg, Claes (1929-2022)

Oliverson, Lawrence W.

Otis, Ann

Ouedens, Danica


Paesel, Audrey (1931-2022)

Penske, Gail D.

Parris, David

Pechman, Frank J. (1911-2004)

Peckerhead, Huey

Pen, Rudolph Theodore (b. 1918)

Pescheret, Leon (1892-1971)

Peterson, Charles L. (1927-2022)

Peterson, Enid

Philipon, Philip J. (b. 1929)

Philipon, Ruth Wedgewood (b. 1933)

Picasso, Pablo (1881-1973)

Pihos, Barbara S.

Pitt, Sheila

Place, Sandra

Poehlmann, Joanna (b. 1932)

Polk, Andrew

Poole, Frederick Victor (1865-1936)

Prevetti, William F. (n.d.-1984)

Pribble, William (b. 1926)

Price, Ellen

Priebe, Karl (1914-1976)

Pum, Robert (b. 1936)

Purinton, Harry (1912-1989)


Quartetti, Leonard (1929-2019)

Quinlan, Albert Frank (1919-1992)


Radtke, Barbara

Range, James

Rashid, Robert (b. 1949)

Reid, William

Ries, Katie

Rericha, James (1945-2023)

Rich, Andrea (b. 1954)

Riddet, Michael James (b. 1947)

Rinehardt, Benjamin D.

Ritchie, Bryan

Rogers, Matilda (1915-1991)

Rose, Suzanne (b. 1964)

Roth, Judith (1935-2019)

Rotier, Peter (1888-1964)

Rotzoll, Harold J.

Roussef, Vladimir (1890-1988)


Sayers, John A.

Schneider, Kenneth D.

Schook, F. De Forrest (1872-1942)

Schueppert, Mac

Schultz, Patricia

Schultze, Paula

Schwartz, Lester (b. 1912)

Scobey, Patrick

Scofield, Stanley

Seagard, Tom

Servoss, Allan

Sessler, Alfred (1909-1963)

Shackelford, Sandra (b. 1940)

Shaymardanov, Igor (b. 1969)

Sheets, Millard (1907-1989)

Shillinglaw, Fawn (1944-2011)

Sikora, Catherine C. J.

Sills, Neva

Somers, Frederick

Spalatin, Marko (b. 1943)

Spicuzza, Francesco (1883-1962)

StarWars, Sean

Steinmetz, Peter

Sterba, Antonin (1875-1963)

Stonehouse, Fred (b. 1960)

Style, Christine

Summ, Helmut (1908-1992)

Szakala, László A. (1963-2019)


Thomas, Patricia (1918-1984)

Thrall, Arthur (1926-2015)

Timm, Hermke (b. 1938)

Tishler, Lee (1930-2007)

Topelmann, Karsten (1929-2021)


Ulbricht, Elsa (1885-1980)

Uttech, Tom (b. 1942)

Utzinger, Rosemary (1927-2019)


Vandenack, Toby (b. 1958)

Verburgt, Carl (1906-1981)

Von Neumann, Robert (1888-1976)

Vreeland, Kenneth (1924-2001)


Wagner, Ferdinand (1894-1981)

Wathall, Lionel (b. 1914)

Weborg, Vida Pauline (1864-1951)

Weidner, Gary

Weiss, Lee (1928-2018)

Welo, Larry (b. 1951)

Werger, Arthur

Whitaker, Frederick (1891-1980)

White, Doris (1924-1995)

Wilde, John (1919- 2006)

Wilde, Jonathan (b. 1948)

Williams, Robert

Winters, Johanna

Wolfe, Connie

Wolst, Archelle "Buttons" (b. 1945)


Yoon, Rena

Young, C. Jac (1880-1940)


Zalucha, Peggy Flora (b. 1948)

Zeledón, Armando (1930-2016) 

Zingale, Santos (1908-1999)

Zwele-Burke, Pamela

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